And the World!!!!!! A-HA_HA_HA!
Published on April 5, 2004 By Dylarama In Politics

I hope to soon begin a lengthy, annoying on-line argument with schadenfreude.joeuser. I challenge you, schadenfreude, to construct a perfect organization of men with me. Let us call this our Republic. By doing so, hopefully he can punch holes through his laziness, and I can put some gilded fences up around my stupid huge ego. Let’s all hope.
We must set some ground rules; some basic assumptions to which we can both assent. Correct? are some of mine, let me know if we should add or subtract.
(You are all welcome to join in.)
1) The basic unit of legitimacy in government is the single Man.
2) ‘Man’ is a non-gender specific term for a single human with certain abilities and traits.
3) Government, or the organization of Men in a system, is an evolving structure based loosely on evolving constructs.
4) No government, or organization of men, or construct of such, hitherto attained has ever been perfect nor has it been perfectly represented in literature, media, etc.
5) ‘God’ is out of bounds. We can speak of religion as an institution; we can even speak of government as a religion in certain 20th Century cases; but we cannot say ‘because God says so.’ (I shouldn’t have to type that one, and I apologize, schadenfreude, if that offends you. Sorry I typed it.)
6) For ease of reference, each subsequent post should carry the previous post’s title in the sub-title field. IE, if I post an article called ‘On Man in his Natural State’, you should repsond with an article titled something along the lines of ‘Why Freedom is an Illusion (subtitle) On man in his Natural State.’ Unless many threads develop, I think this can be an easy, efficient quick-reference system.
7) The Beatles suck.

I hope to see some input from you, schadenfreude. I happen to know you are a marvelous thinker, capable of marvelous things. I hope you join in on this experiment. I also invite the rest of the JU community to post their comments. If schadenfreude and I can agree to these conditions, or another like set of conditions, I hope we can begin to tackle 1 and 2 this week.
Let’s begin....

on Apr 05, 2004
Bring it on.